Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Shards of Heaven for Pre-order!

Shards of Heaven for Pre-order!

I can't stop smiling.
I can’t stop smiling.

My first novel, Shards of Heaven, is available for pre-order on Amazon, scheduled for release on 17 November. (I’ve not yet seen it available on Barnes and Noble, etc., but it should be there soon!)

Oh yes. It is real, it has a cover, and it is beautiful.

It also has a blurb, from none other than Bernard Cornwell:

A brilliant debut. Livingston has spiced real history with a compelling dose of fantasy! Wonderfully imaginative and beautifully told. I can’t wait for the sequel!

I’ll write more (including more on that amazing cover) as soon as I can, but for now I hope you’ll excuse me while I swoon for a bit.


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