My first year here at The Citadel I was made faculty advisor to The Shako, the Literary Magazine of The Citadel. It was a surprising thing for me, but I’ve tried to take advantage of it for the past four years. I like to think that the publication is better than ever as the result of my labors, though one can never really know such things. This year’s edition, my fourth, will be my last. I’ve worried that the publication will grow stale under my watch, so I’m passing the torch to another faculty member. She’ll know doubt take it to great places I didn’t imagine, and I’m really excited to see that happen.
At any rate, all this is prelude to the announcement that the 2010 Shako is now in the wild. It’s a terrific year, with some great fiction, poetry, photography, and even some artwork. Indeed, our cover art is the work of a talented freshman here on campus. I touched it up and added a bit of antiquity and mystery to the piece, but it was awesome raw material to work with — I’m greatly pleased with the results.
If you’re on campus, you’ll find copies piled around the lobbies of Mark Clark Hall, in the English office, in the sally ports, in my office, and being handed out around parade time tomorrow morning. Enjoy!

very nice…how can I get a copy?