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640 Gallons of Leaves

640 Gallons of Leaves

Not quite the record I set last year, but it was a lot of raking just the same. What was most depressing, I must say, was looking up into the oak canopy — beautiful though it is — and seeing how many unfallen leaves remain. I suspect I’ll have at least one more round of clean-up before too long.


  1. Russ Livingston

    Perhaps not a fair comparison but my snow volume for the year is probably greater, and I think raking leaves (v shoveling) snow at least sounds better. That is not to say it isn’t a pain…in either case.

  2. C. E. Bollinger

    The last dead leaves clinging to the branches will let go as new growth begins.

    We spent today and yesterday cleaning up one of our acres before it is enclosed with deer fencing tomorrow. I’m betting your raking was not as arduous as our raking, tree removal, pruning, stick-picking-up, and mowing — all on a significant hill. And you’re a young thing. 🙂

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