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A Hobbit Spells His Name

A Hobbit Spells His Name

I seem to have been suddenly struck down with some sort of plague (flu, most likely), so I doubt much will be happening around here for a bit.

To tide you over, and to satisfy those in hobbit-news withdrawal, I thought I’d share the first recorded instance of Young Master Samwise spelling his name, which happened just after noon today, Eastern Standard Time:

Samuel spells his name.
Samuel spells his name.

The Hobbit is a remarkably clever lad, as you can see. He first color separated his refrigerator letters, then carefully selected those he needed and started to line them up in relative order. Remarkably, he apparently recalled that the English name Samuel derives etymologically from the Hebrew Sh’muel. Wisely noting that Hebrew reads right to left (opposite of English), he decided to monumentalize this awareness in his own spelling.

Brilliant, I say. Just brilliant.

(What, you don’t think he just screwed up and did it backwards, do you?)


  1. Russ

    This is so CUTE!! What a well-read and intelligent young man – using Hebrew at his age! In our haste to read about your Front Guard adventure we had overlooked this post. It was great! Or should we say, “Brilliant!”

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