I’ve been in my semi-annual grade-induced silence around here for the past week or so. As each semester winds down, I’m inevitably hunkered down in my office, keeping the companies who manufacture red ink in the black (get it?).
Anyway, I’m pleased to say that it’s just about over now. There are (I hope) a few stragglers who will be turning things in this week, but otherwise I’m done. The end is here. (Not, as loyal readers will know, The End.)
I have quite a few projects that are awaiting my attention, but I’m probably going to let myself have a few days of light work-load decompression — during which I’ll likely decide in what order those projects will get my attention.
Chaucer first? Or Tolkien? This novel? That one? A short story, perhaps?
(Lest you think it completely random that I, an English professor, included a funny math problem answer as an illustration, I would point out that I often ask random history, science, and, yes, math questions on my examinations.)
Congrats on finishing the semester/year. And that math problem answer is hilarious! 🙂
Thanks! ‘Tis a big relief, for sure!