Back from SEMA

Back from SEMA

I just returned from a long, internet-free weekend spent in Spartanburg, SC at the SEMA Conference. Met many old friends, made several new ones, and heard some great papers. My own presentation was well received, as were those of the two undergraduates I dragged along. I’m very proud that they more than stood their own among the professionals. Now begins the task of convincing them to accept my help in pushing their work to the next level: publication.

On the drive up we were listening to a rather eclectic mix of music (my fault, naturally), a bit of which was the work of Tom Lehrer. I was shocked to find they’d never heard of him. If you, too, dear reader, have been similarly kept in the dark, I give you the man, the myth, and indeed the legend, singing “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park”:

For those so inclined, a more modern and far more vulgar version of this kind of thing is the work of Stephen Lynch. My, um, favorite song of his is “Lullabye” (video for mature audiences).