Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Carolina in the Pines

Carolina in the Pines

I really must stay away from YouTube. It’s the greatest time sinkhole ever invented. Indeed, I’m of a mind that if we truly want to take on another nation — I’m not naming names, but I’m looking at you, Liechtenstein! — our best weapon of mass destruction in the fight is to give them unfettered access to YouTube servers. Video by video, minute by minute, it will destroy their national efficiency, slowly bringing them to their trembling, fattening knees.

Anyway, I mention this because I was considering buying myself a few songs for my just-passed birthday — G.I. Joes and Transformers just don’t cut it anymore — and on a lark punched up some old Michael Martin Murphey songs on iTunes. That sent me to YouTube, where one can often find videos that will allow the sampling of more than 30 seconds of a tune.

And that, in turn, led me to this clip from a 2007 David Letterman show. Talk about bringing home memories . . . this is one of my favorite MMM tunes. I daresay the man’s still got it:

I’m going to go do some work now. Really.

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