Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Category: <span>Fiction</span>

Category: Fiction

Finding an Agent

Now that I’m feeling pretty good about my novel and started work on its sequel, I’ve begun looking to find a literary agent to represent me (and the book). I have to say, agent hunting is an incredibly daunting process. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of literary agents (there …

Novel Revisions

The last of my first draft readers got back to me yesterday, and the news was good. Very good, in fact. It can be terribly difficult for a writer to get a clear sense of success without external input, and I feel quite privileged to have such able first readers. …

Big Jordan Lecture Finished

Today was a good day. I got the last bits of information (and some other things I’m not at liberty to discuss yet) that I needed for my upcoming lecture on Robert Jordan, and so was able to put the finishing touches on my notes for the talk. I’m thrilled …

James Maxey’s Noun Exercise

At the Codex Writer’s Workshop this summer, the esteemed James Maxey gave a short talk on spicing up prose with nouns. The right noun can convey an extraordinary amount of information, he pointed out, and he then drove home the point by having us collect nouns on little piece of …

Four Shards of Heaven: Synopsis

So I just finished the synopsis for Four Shards of Heaven. It’s only 1000 words long, but I have to say it was a difficult 1000 words to write. How do I distill everything that happens in this book, with all the different points of view, into less than one …