Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Category: <span>Fiction</span>

Category: Fiction

Stede Bonnet, Gentleman Pirate

Last March I hastily scribed a short story about Stede Bonnet, the so-called gentleman pirate, for Shimmer‘s special pirate issue. The issue’s guest editor, John Joseph Adams, aka JJA to F&SF submitters, summarily rejected it — alas — but I can take some solace in observing what a good collection …

Thirty Minutes of Quiet

Had a good half-hour of down time yesterday. Serious sitting in one place quiet. I happened to have a pen and some scraps of paper, so I started scribbling the first thing to pop into my mind: Wrapped in a musty shawl, Adelaide watched from the attic window as the …

New Story in Paradox

Fresh on the heels of the Paradox preview a few weeks ago, a thick manila envelope showed up in the mail today: four (4) complimentary copies of the newest issue, featuring my Civil War tale “The Angel of Marye’s Heights” (and payment for same). Until I held it in my …

Fiction Submission Games

Every now and then it occurs to me how utterly ineffective I am at keeping my fiction “out there” (by which I mean on the market, not “in left field,” since there’s little doubt I do well at the latter). I have, at the moment, over a dozen short stories …

Paradox Preview

I just received an email from Christopher M. Cevasco, Editor/Publisher of Paradox Magazine, announcing that he just launched a new look website for the magazine. You can check it out here: The website is quite striking, and I was glad to see the improvements he made. Even more, I …