It’s been a busy month, but that’s not news.
What is news is this: Last Monday I was awarded the Citadel’s Award for Faculty Excellence in Scholarship, Teaching, and Service. It’s a new award, and it’s pretty darn nifty honor to receive it.
Even better, my parents — who are on a cross-continent trip-of-awesomeness — surprised me by showing up for the little presentation ceremony.
Well, truth be told they were coming to surprise me for my birthday, which was the following day, but by chance that meant they were able to be there for my award and a celebratory dinner afterward.
Quite the great few days, to be sure.
Things are otherwise moving along in this neck of the woods. I’ve sent two articles off this past month, and I have two more on the desk awaiting a spare hour or two to polish them off for submission. The Owain Glyndwr Casebook moves along — steady as she goes — and the end of the term approaches.
It seems like time goes faster and faster these days, and I’m sure hoping science can put a stop to that. I have work to do, damnit!
Congratulations on this latest honor, Mike!
Maybe during Thanksgiving break you can polish off that last fiction chapter, eh?
No pressure — well, not much, anyway.
What a wonderful set of surprises. Congratulations!