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Googling Myself

Googling Myself

Gathering information for my tenure documentation packet, I recently spent a bit of time Googling my academic self. I found what I needed, but I also a lot of unrelated but surprisingly interesting bits of data, too.

Some highlights:

– My article “More Vinland Maps and Texts: Discovering the New World in Higden’s Polychronicon” was at least at one point the 23rd most popular article in the renowned Journal of Medieval History.

– My article on popular culture and Beowulf, co-written with John William Sutton, is the basis of a writing assignment at Winthrop University.

– My entire bibliography for Siege Of Jerusalem has been copied and placed on this site. (This is actually an improvement on when this site had copied my introduction and text, word-for-word, without any attribution to me.)

– My first article, a historical study of the development of Christianity in the first-century, is referenced in a German monograph under the name “Livingstone.” It is also referenced in English under that name. Odd.

– Both of my Tolkien articles are free online (here and here), but both of them are also for sale on Amazon for $9.95 (see my Amazon author’s page). (I checked my contract, and the publisher had a right to do that; as it turns out, so do I.)

– One of those articles (this one) is cited by Wikipedia’s article on The Hobbit.

– Wikipedia’s article on the Battle of Brunanburh makes heavy use of The Battle of Brunanburh: A Casebook, which is great news, I think. I don’t see that our findings have rolled much into the source texts (like the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle poem) on Wikipedia, but that will probably come.

– The librarians at Keele University have placed my article “Aphra Behn’s ‘The Disappointment’ as Ring Composition” among the 11 “recommended” books or articles for the study of Behn and/or John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester. This article is also heavily cited by a Master’s thesis issued last year at the University of Ghent in Belgium.

Small world, eh?

While most of this is pretty cool, I think, I was a bit sad about this one:

– My article explaining why H.G. Wells’ Martians in War of the Worlds use tripods seems to have fallen into a deep pool: I couldn’t find it cited once. 🙁