Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

Search Results for: ipod touch

New Old iPod Touch

Picked up my replacement iPod Touch today. Though the old model (just like the one that broke), it’s brand new and shiny. Excellent service, Apple! I’ll not get to play with it until morning, I suspect. It’s been syncing up all my songs for a couple of hours now, and …

Cracking the iPod Touch

Just stumbled across this article from CNet, which is a step-by-step gallery of dissecting an iPod Touch. I have no interest in doing this sort of thing to mine (unlike the take-apart of my MobilePro executed for painting purposes), but I appreciate seeing it done. I’ve got to say, seeing …

The New iPod Touch

‘Tis been a busy few days, as much significant academic business has been transpiring. I can say little about it just now, I’m afraid, but I’ll post about it as soon as I can. Among such professional matters, however, I’ve managed to take the time to — gulp! — buy …

iPod Touch Dying

For the past couple weeks my beloved iPod Touch — a device I increasingly don’t know how to live without — has been intermittently pausing when plugged into something via its iPod connector. It’s fine just carrying it around, listening to music on the headphones; but when I plug it …

Playing with the iPod

I’m still not sure how I feel about this, but this post is written on an iPod touch. I think that means I’ve joined the new world. Reluctantly, yes, but joined nonetheless. I remain astonished by this. Seriously. I mean, it’s really quite amazing. I can’t type nearly as fast …