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Loreena McKennitt at the Alhambra

Loreena McKennitt at the Alhambra

I have no idea how I missed this, but Loreena McKennitt — whose music I fell in love with in college — gave a concert at the Alhambra a few years ago. Her music is magical, and so is that place. Indeed, when I visited it for the first time I had the early tracks of her album The Mask and the Mirror moving like a whisper in my mind.

I’m deeply jealous of those who were fortunate enough to see her perform there (or anywhere, for that matter). Happily, the rest of us can get a glimpse of what it must have been like:

I find this extraordinary on many levels. Mostly, I think I’m just floored by the sonic magnificence of so many capable musicians playing so many different cultural artifacts all at once.