Owain Glyndwr: A Casebook. Ed. Michael Livingston and John K. Bollard. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2013.
From the Introduction:
Owain Glyndwr was and is a great many things to a great many people: a prince and a savage, a rebel and a patriot, a gentleman and an outlaw, a scholar and a magician. If he was for the Welsh a symbol of their hopes and dreams, then he was for the English a figuration of their fears and nightmares. Owain is, simply put, one of those extraordinary figures of history who were, even in their own time, legend.
From the Introduction
This casebook is the most extensive collection of documents, poems, letters, and laws ever assembled to illustrate the life of Owain Glyndwr and the rebellion against the English crown that began under his banner on 16 September 1400. An international team of experts has gathered, edited, and translated 101 sources concerning this fascinating leader and his prominent role in the turmoil of fifteenth-century Britain. Eleven essays provide historical context and literary background to help interpret Owain’s career and his vision for Wales. Here we see Owain Glyndwr as never before, through the eyes of the poets who loved him, the enemies who fought him, the people of Wales and England who were caught up in his wake, and the chroniclers and poets, even Shakespeare himself, who told and retold his tale.