As reported in my last post, I returned to Charleston from my three-week Europe-to-Rochester adventure at 2am on the Fourth of July.
I left Charleston on a flight to Colorado that same afternoon, this time on a month-long family vacation that will swing us through Colorado and New Mexico, staying in five different towns, and seeing family and friends on all but three of the days. It is an exhausting schedule, but it’s also an exhilarating one: being out West is always wonderful, and it’s great to catch up with those you love.
Oh, and it just so happens that my wife and I are having our 20th high school reunion. So that’s happening, too.
Indeed, as I write this it is the eve of the reunion festivities. We’ve been traveling for 20 days now (me far longer if you roll together the Europe leg), which has taken us from Denver to Ouray in Colorado, then on to Albuquerque, New Mexico. All is well, and it’s past time to post something about it.
Rather than bore you with the details of a family vacation, though, I’ll just share a few pictures of the adventure so far. No doubt there will be more: after the reunion we head down to White Sands and Carlsbad Caverns before returning to Denver and flying back to Charleston.
So enjoy…