Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Project Updates: September 21

Project Updates: September 21

I haven’t done that much blogging on the blog here. You can blame Twitter, which allows me to pump my news in bite-sized candies rather than full-sized bars. You can also blame the fact that I’ve been pretty busy.

How busy?

Well, in an effort to try to keep things up-to-date hereabouts, at least in terms of books, I give you the Ghosts of my Projects Past, Present, and Future!

Projects Past

I’ve had three books come out this year, with a fourth about to drop:

  • Iceborn (Audible), the sequel to my fantasy Seaborn, arrives on 30 September.

As for Seaborn itself, fans will be pleased to hear it’s being prepped for an ebook release, as well as a print-on-demand version. So happy to see this happening!

The other three books that have already hit the shelves are:

Projects Present

What comes next? Well, at the moment I’m working on three books more or less simultaneously:

  • Crécy: The Battle of Five Kings (Osprey): a follow-up to this year’s best-selling popular history book, Never Greater Slaughter.
  • Stormborn (Audible): Book 3 of the Seaborn Cycle. Like the others in this fantasy series, Stormborn will be initially exclusive to Audible.
  • Codename: “Fantasy History Project”: an unannounced book about which I cannot speak but I. Can’t. Believe. It’s. Happening.

Projects Future

  • Codename: “Crécy Sequel History Project”: a follow-up to Crécy that just went under contract. Should be announced soon.
  • Codename: “Time Novel Project”: a genre-bending alternate history novel that I adore.
  • Codename: “Greece History Project”: an amazing popular history book I’m writing with a friend and colleague.

And as always there are lots of articles (mostly academic), talks (also mostly academic), and the ongoing adventures of being the best father and husband I can be.

Speaking of which, back to work so I can get home soon!