How cool would it be to own not just a first edition copy of your favorite book, but a zero edition collector’s copy of it?
What is that, you ask?
And how can you get such a copy of The Shards of Heaven, which will most certainly become your favorite book until the release of the sequel, The Temples of the Ark The Gates of Hell?
Read on and find out!
Tomorrow night, the Barnes and Noble in Mt Pleasant, SC will host the release of the debut novel Mystic, by Jason Denzel, along with the long-awaited Wheel of Time Companion, by Robert Jordan, Harriet McDougal, Alan Romanczuk, and Maria Simons.
This once-in-a-lifetime event will also feature the one and only pre-publication chance to get your hands on a hardback copy of my own debut novel, The Shards of Heaven. So it’s absolutely the place to be.
But wait! There’s more!
Because of a printer’s error, we found out last week that the entire first print run of The Shards of Heaven had to be pulped. That’s right, folks. Thousands upon thousands of copies of my book were in existence, only to be deemed unfit for public consumption because the printer had failed to insert two breathtaking maps into the book. (This is the reason for the suddenly changed release date, in case you were wondering.)
But the printer’s loss is your gain!
Tomorrow night at my signing I will have 60 copies of this otherwise pulped first printing of The Shards of Heaven. This limited supply of an exclusive misprinted edition will be collector’s items: the zero edition printing of a future international best-seller*!
(*pending sales)
What’s that you say?
You want the book, but you’re not sure you can do without the amazing maps?
Why you don’t have to!
Come to the booksigning, purchase your copy of this rare, zero-edition printing of The Shards of Heaven, and we will give you a gorgeous, oversized postcard featuring not just one but both of the two maps absolutely free!
That’s right! You get, for the price of a single hardback, a limited-edition collector’s copy of a future intergalactic bestseller** and a limited-edition postcard copy of the extraordinary maps to go with it!
(**pending sales and the invention of intergalactic travel)
Because I will not only be personally present at the booksigning, but I also happen to have a working right hand and a working pen, I will be signing and numbering these 60 collector’s copies!
It’s first come, first served, folks, so come early, line up, and tell your friends.
I’ll see you there!
If you missed the signing and still want to get one of these 60 pre-signed, pre-release / zero-edition copies of the book, I’m told that you can email the B&N that has them at crm2973 @ bn.com. They’ve said that they’re happy to send them out while the special copies last!
I’m told all the zero-edition copies are sold.
Order-Boost-Review: The Shards of Heaven. Tor Books. November 2015.
I predict you will sell out in under an hour.