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Shards of Heaven Now in Paperback!

Shards of Heaven Now in Paperback!

Critics have called it “top-notch,” “breathtaking,” “dazzling,” “original,” and “relentlessly entertaining” (among so many other kindnesses). If you’ve been wanting to find out what they’re talking about, if you’ve been wanting to read The Shards of Heaven but haven’t wanted to pay hardback prices … well, today is your lucky day!

The Shards of Heaven
The Shards of Heaven
Today, I am pleased to report that Shards has been released in trade paperback by Tor Books. It’s available right now wherever fine books are sold!

So give it a page-turn. And if you enjoy it as much as the critics do, I’d love to hear from you. Let me know on Twitter (@medievalguy), and please do drop a review somewhere. Those five-star reviews matter!