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Tarzan Vines

Tarzan Vines

At last had a day free yesterday to do a bit of work on the backyard, and I’m feeling it this morning: I think I strained a hammy.

Sad, no?

I know when I did it, at least. Well, one of the two times I might have done it. The first could have been when I was yanking a tree out of the ground beside the steps. It wasn’t a huge plant — 3-4 inch radius, max — but it was tough to get out with the wee little handspade I had. Not for the first time I cursed the housing snafu that cost me my many yard implements in the move from Rochester.

The second suspect? The Tarzan vines. The vines here grow like, well, vines. I got to working over by the marsh and found one that was well over an inch thick, choking up a tree. It could literally hold my weight. Got it down, though, and hacked the writhing (not really) thing to pieces. I cannot blame the campus powers for my lack of implements to deal with it, though — we had nothing like it in Rochester.

On the plus side, at the end of the day I cooked outside on our new grill (the old one being lost in that aforementioned housing crunch issue). Chicken fajitas and margaritas. Mmmmmmm…


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