Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
The Battle of Brunanburh: It’s Alive!

The Battle of Brunanburh: It’s Alive!

The Battle of Brunanburh: A Casebook has been available for purchase for a few weeks now in the UK. Alas, the one downside to publishing on that side of the pond — in this case through the awesome University of Exeter Press — is that it takes a bit for books to cross the water. So while people in England have been holding and buying and reading this book, I hadn’t even seen it.

Until now.

Here it is, alive and looking quite well, sitting on my office desk:

The Battle of Brunanburh: A Casebook
It really is real. Really.

I have been so heavily involved in this book for so long that it’s a tremendous relief to see it completed. And the results are just fantastic. Exeter did a great job with the final touches, I think.

(In case anyone is interested, the book will be available here in the US — distributed by University of Chicago Press — starting on August 15. However, you can pre-order now via Amazon.)

Added bonus to this picture: Those of you with seriously keen eyesight and a working knowledge of the Old English language and/or Anglo-Saxon paleography may well recognize what I dropped my book on. Those are a couple of facsimile pages from the sole surviving copy of Beowulf. They’re a pretty good clue to the research project I have strewn across my desk right now.


  1. Anita Livingston

    Congratulations!!!! We can’t wait to get a copy for our growing library of your publications. We know it is hard, but take a moment to sit back and relish in your accomplishment. Many hours devoted to various aspects of this publication…and now it is finally done. Hooray!!

  2. I have an aunt who lives in the US and I will wait for your book to be available there so I can ask her to buy it for me. I love your books! I really find them quite interesting. Anyway, see you around Amazon.

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