Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

Wii (Un)Fit

We were out pretty early yesterday morning, taking the Hobbit to his first swim lesson, so we decided to stop by K-Mart to see if they had a Wii Fit in stock — the just-released game and balance board accessory for the beloved Wii entertainment system. K-Mart opened at 8. …


I’ve been making quite a few changes to the site of late. No, I still can’t get crossposting with LiveJournal to function. 🙁 On the plus side, though, the site now accepts gravatars! A gravatar, for those curious, is a Globally Recognized Avatar (or, alternatively, an avatar that gravitates after …

Canyon Map Update

As you may recall, on my recent trek into Anasazi country I came across a strange petroglyph that I suspected was a map. Since I knew of no other instances of Anasazi cartography, this would be an important discovery if proven to be true. Also, like my stumbling across medieval …

Livejournal Crossposting

I’m still failing to get the Livejournal Crossposter plugin to work correctly. Quite frustrating, too: there are no errors on either end — material is just failing to make it through. Argh and alas. Back to the drawing board.