Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

Friday Fireworks

Our minor league baseball team here in Charleston — the Riverdogs — has a beautiful stadium not far from the Citadel campus. It’s a terrific little ballpark, full of family-friendly fun. Friday night homegames, for instance, come with a dazzling fireworks display at the end, win or lose. And this …

Anasazi Petroglyph Map

My brother, in addition to being a remarkably fine photographer of the old rite, has become rather adept at the new rite of digital photography. Give him a picture and Photoshop and the results can be breathtaking. Or instructive. Take, for instance, the photo at left, taken of the petroglyph …

Visiting Writers

I had a chance yesterday to visit for a couple of hours with two young writers: Beth Wodzinski (also editor of Shimmer Magazine) and Sean Markey. Lovely people, both of them. I was still rather tired out from my recent adventures, so I hope I didn’t seem too out of …

Anasazi Trek 2008

What follows is a report on three days of exploring in the backcountry of southeastern Utah and northern Arizona. A slideshow of images illustrating the whole can be found halfway through the account. DAY ONE Today we hunted Anasazi ruins. There’s a story behind this, as you would imagine, and …