Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

Giants and the Black Death

In the course of doing some research on giants today, I started looking into what’s known about the Wilmington Long Man, a 235-foot figure on the side of a hill in the South Downs. (A good discussion, from which many of the following facts and figures are taken, is here.) …

Stede Bonnet, Gentleman Pirate

Last March I hastily scribed a short story about Stede Bonnet, the so-called gentleman pirate, for Shimmer‘s special pirate issue. The issue’s guest editor, John Joseph Adams, aka JJA to F&SF submitters, summarily rejected it — alas — but I can take some solace in observing what a good collection …

Thirty Minutes of Quiet

Had a good half-hour of down time yesterday. Serious sitting in one place quiet. I happened to have a pen and some scraps of paper, so I started scribbling the first thing to pop into my mind: Wrapped in a musty shawl, Adelaide watched from the attic window as the …

Teaching Poetry at West Point

From a fellow English professor here at The Citadel comes this link to a wonderful little story from PBS’ NewsHour about teaching poetry at West Point. I think they do a good job of situating both the difficulty and the necessity of teaching poetry (or drama or the novel or…) …