Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

Ragnarok and Baseball

A twice-former student of mine from my University of Rochester days, Tina Tsao, sent along notice of an article in the New York Times comparing the actions of a squirrel in right field of the Yankees’ 5-3 victory over the Red Sox Tuesday night to the figure of Ratatosk in …

Global Warming? Blame the Cows!

I wrote a short story last night, a Science Fiction piece centering on curbing global greenhouse emissions by changing our diet. As usual, I coughed and handwaved my way through anything that required actual numbers or figures, like the number of cattle on the planet or how many million tons …

A Busy Weekend

Had high hopes to get much work done this weekend, but all was shot by parties in need of appearing, cars in need of researching, emails in need of answering, and hobbits in need of attending. So little was accomplished. Oh, and I lost a solid half-hour of worktime at …