Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

What Else I Did This Summer

There’s an old Merle Haggard song called “Colorado,” which has the following line in its chorus: “And if God doesn’t live in Colorado, I’ll bet that’s where he spends most of his time.” (See full lyrics, and guitar chords, here.) Well, if God does live (or at least vacation) in …

Student Successes

Melissa Smith has had her paper “At Home and Abroad: Éowyn’s Two-fold Figuring as War Bride in The Lord of the Rings” accepted for publication in Mythlore. This paper was written for my course “Tolkien: The Myth and Epic of Middle-Earth” at the University of Rochester in the Spring of …

Wii Are Sore

It didn’t really need confirmation, but now I know I’m out of shape. A few hours of playing Wii Sports — especially the boxing — and my muscles are actually a tad tired. I am truly out of shape. On the plus side, I can report that the Wii is …

We Got a Wii

I’m not a gamer. Not really. Sure, I’ve played my share of PC games — Civilization IV, Neverwinter Nights, and Half-life 2 have all found an oft-used home on my drive these past couple years, and there was a whole semester of my college life where I basically didn’t sleep …

Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop

A Medieval Astronomer? I’m a medievalist. Not one of those dress-up-and-play-swords folks, but an academic who specializes in the Middle Ages. I study medieval castles; I don’t want to live in one.* So it surprises some folks to hear that in the summer of 2007 I became one of the …