Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

Testing Nirvana

Major website overhaul alert! Over the next few days I am installing a completely new front-end for my website, using the quite remarkable “Nirvana” theme from Cryout Creations. Indeed, this is my first test of the new look. With luck, it will have worked perfectly!

This Amazonian Hatchet Thing

Dear Jeff Bezos and Amazon, I got your letter about how greedy Hachette is — how it’s just this huge corporation looking out for its own financial well-being and far too willing to use propaganda to further its own self-interests. You sure hit the nail on the head there, Jeff. …

Out West 2014, Part 1

As reported in my last post, I returned to Charleston from my three-week Europe-to-Rochester adventure at 2am on the Fourth of July. I left Charleston on a flight to Colorado that same afternoon, this time on a month-long family vacation that will swing us through Colorado and New Mexico, staying …