Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

Universal Stories: Keynote for 10 March

High noon this coming Saturday, 10 March, I’ll be giving the keynote lecture for the Lowcountry Writing Project’s Spring Conference here in Charleston, SC. As it’s a writing conference largely aimed at teachers, my talk features some pedagogical approaches to writing. Entitled “From Beginning to End: The Universal Presence of …

North Carolina in June

This afternoon I learned that I’ve been chosen as The Citadel’s delegate to one of the Jessie Ball duPont Summer Seminars at the National Humanities Center in North Carolina. The particular seminar I’ll be at is on the subject of early Christian Apocrypha (the “other” gospels and biblical books that …

Adele – Set Fire to the Rain

So Adele is all the rage these days, especially given her big night at the Grammys this week — where her song “Rolling in the Deep” won big. It’s a great song, and her lauds are well deserved.  That said, I think — for the record — that “Set Fire …

Robin Hood Interview: ABC News 4

Nipping at the heels of one interview, Kelly DeVries and I were picked up for another this past week: this time with ABC News 4 here in Charleston. The interview became an article for their website, and for the moment it’s “front page” news over there. Check it out!