Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

Project Updates: September 21

I haven’t done that much blogging on the blog here. You can blame Twitter, which allows me to pump my news in bite-sized candies rather than full-sized bars. You can also blame the fact that I’ve been pretty busy. How busy? Well, in an effort to try to keep things …

Knack Pack Series 2 Medium Bag

The Knack Pack Series 2 is a magnificent, convertible, multi-sized, professional travel pack for One Bag Life. Picture the nicest Swiss-army knife you can imagine: flexible, practical, but damn good looking. This is the luggage version of that knife. It’s the best travel pack I’ve ever enjoyed. Quick Pros: Convertible …

Rosie Cotton (??-2020)

Rosie Cotton came into our lives broken, the victim of some unknown puppy mill. She’d spent most of her life in a concrete cell — somewhere in North Carolina, we think — churning out Frenchie puppies. When her little body couldn’t handle it any longer, she was discarded. Her back …

Saltwater Pool on the Cheap

Our daughter is, we think, part-fish, so with public pools closing or otherwise a source of concern in the pandemic, we decided to buy an above-ground pool from Wal-mart.  We’ve actually had one of these before, and you should know that out of the box they’re a complete pain. Between …