Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

The Movies of My Life: 1984-1985

I’ve been sharing a chronological list of the movies of my life.  Not a list of the best films of all time or anything like that, but just a list of films that somehow made the memories that make my life.  We’re up to the mid-80s now, and the competition …

Thanksgiving Fattening

What a great holiday. My folks came in for the week, so if I’ve been quiet it’s been for good cause: watching them play with the grandkids.  A great time was had by all, though Samwise was sad to see them go today.  I’m still not sure he quite understands …

Tolkien Enrollment

As some readers are aware, I was finally able to teach Tolkien here at The Citadel as an Honors class last Spring, which was great fun. Happily, this opened the door that I’d been banging my head against for quite some time: the chance to teach Tolkien as a 200-level …

InterLibrary Loan Love

I just picked up a book from InterLibary Loan today, a much-needed tome for the Brunanburh project. The Citadel has a relatively small library, so odds are pretty good that the kind of obscure medieval things I’m usually after can’t be found here on campus — so thank the stars …