Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

Works in Progress

Glenn’s recent comment on another thread reminds me that I’m overdue not only in posting new material but also in explaining the state of things on the fiction front. Gate of Hell, the sequel to the completed Shards of Heaven, is in rather fine outline, and I had started writing …

Barenaked Ladies

I love ’em. 😉 Seriously, BNL is one of the great bands these days. I was YouTubin’ the other day and came across dozens of short videos in which Ed, one of the band’s lead singers and guitarists (and co-writer of much of their material), performs songs by his lonesome …

Runic Conundrums

The book on the Battle of Brunanburh that I’m putting together is coming together quite nicely. Today found me deep into the Old English materials, which was fun. It did throw me another curveball, though, as I had to grapple with how to represent a few runic letters in the …

Go Bulldogs!

Terrific basketball game tonight: an overtime win over Appalachian State. The crowd was in good form, and I even caught a t-shirt thrown into the crowd. I promptly tossed it to a kid sitting nearby.

Beware the Undying Jellyfish!

I’m really getting a kick out of the sudden media interest in the immortal jellyfish conquering our oceans. This isn’t news to scientists — in fact, the paper media folks are citing is something like 7 months old — but here it is on the frontpage of my Google News …