Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

The Quartering of Hotspur

I’ve been involved in the making of three casebooks so far: on The Battle of Brunanburh, Owain Glyndwr, and the Battle of Crécy. One of the great things about working on these projects has been seeing how they bring forgotten documents to light – a fact that has been much …

Cover-up: The Gates of Hell

A little less than a year ago, I was talking about the design of the cover for The Shards of Heaven, my debut novel from Tor Books. Now here I am to talk about the design of the cover for its sequel, The Gates of Hell, which will be published …

Shards of Heaven: Alive and Well

So it’s been three weeks since the release of my novel The Shards of Heaven, and things have obviously been busy! I wouldn’t have known it before going through this experience, but having a book launch on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving was rough in some ways. For one thing, folks tend …