Author | Conflict Analyst | Presenter | Professor
Michael Livingston

The Blog

A Grade Weekend

Not a Grade-A weekend, mind you. No, no. A weekend devoted to grading. Insert cheering here. Especially sad is that it’s Homecoming hereabouts. I’d much prefer enjoying the festivities than whipping out the red pen (and my students would probably be happier, too!). Not that I can enjoy too many …

New Monitor

The monitor that came with our creaky ol’ Dell desktop so many years ago still works, but I’ve been growing increasingly annoyed with its lack of screen space and its abundance of physical space. Ours was a tube-based monitor, you see: all clunky, heavy box, with a relatively wee little …

Carolina in the Pines

I really must stay away from YouTube. It’s the greatest time sinkhole ever invented. Indeed, I’m of a mind that if we truly want to take on another nation — I’m not naming names, but I’m looking at you, Liechtenstein! — our best weapon of mass destruction in the fight …

Setting Obama’s Agenda

We all have hopes and dreams for what our 44th president might do to help restore our country’s honor both at home and abroad. I’ve been reading a lot of proposals of one kind or another in this regard, but I’ve found one of the most succinct and well-considered to …