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Tim Minchin: Dirty Atheist Intellectual Humorist

Tim Minchin: Dirty Atheist Intellectual Humorist

The Wife recently introduced me to Tim Minchin, who is, well, brilliant.  He’s also an outspoken atheist, a rather well-read intellectual, and occasionally fairly vulgar. Oh, and he’s often very funny.

Not sure what it means, though, that the video link she sent along to expose me to Mr. Minchin is for the following song. No worries, by the way, this one ain’t dirty. And, yes, he’s totally making fun of pop singers with his shimmy and, um, look:


    1. Truly it is. “But I’m just saying, / I don’t think you’re special. / I mean, I … I think you’re special, / But you fall within a bell curve.”

      When you think about it in terms of honesty, it might be one of the most beautiful love songs ever written.

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