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Wii (Un)Fit

Wii (Un)Fit

Wii Balance BoardWe were out pretty early yesterday morning, taking the Hobbit to his first swim lesson, so we decided to stop by K-Mart to see if they had a Wii Fit in stock — the just-released game and balance board accessory for the beloved Wii entertainment system.

K-Mart opened at 8. By the time we walked in at 8:40 their stock was long gone; the clerk seemed to be amused that I thought they might still have some in the store. Well, we’d half-expected this kind of result — even the Wii itself can still be tough to get one’s hands on — so we sauntered out without disappointment. We were still pretty early for the swimming pool, though, since traffic had been slight. And Target wasn’t that far away …

Target opened their doors at 9, just before we pulled into the parking lot. As I was wandering down the aisles at 9:05 there were happy folks passing me on the way out, prized games in hand. Clearly, they’d been waiting at the door at 9 like horses at the starting gate. I half-wished I’d been there to see that. Like some twisted running of the bulls at Pamplona.

Turns out Target still had some in stock by the time a latecomer such as myself got down to the electronics department. What’s more, when we stopped by Best Buy around 10:30 to look at car stereos, they still had 8 or so sitting on the shelves. Perhaps the reports of Fit shortages aren’t quite so dire as predicted?

Anyway, we have a Wii Fit now. Spent a bit of last night exercising with the thing, and it really was a lot of fun. Yoga, skiing, push-ups … I’m surprised I’m not more sore today. That said, I’m sad to report that my Wii Fit age is about five years older than I am — something my little Mii avatar was very sad about.

It’s early, but I think this little contraption might push us to do some workouts that would have otherwise gone undone. So that’s good. And I didn’t even have to battle for it!


  1. My fit board lectured me about going to bed last night. It said it was proud of my dedication but at 12:25am I should think about sleeping. I stopped playing at 2:00am.

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